Page of addendums:

Click here if you want to go back to my "Critical Review: Michael Finney's Golf Swing Kinetics Seminar" review paper.

In this "Page of Addendums" I will post unedited opinions expressed by readers, who believe that I have either misunderstood, or misrepresented, the opinions expressed by Michael Finney, Sasho MacKenzie or Joe Mayo - if the reader's opinions are expressed in a serious and detailed manner. I will also post the unedited opinions of readers who believe that my personal opinions, which are expressed in my counterarguments, are wrongheaded - if their opinions are expressed in a serious and detailed manner. If I disagree with their criticism, then I will likely post a counter-reply where I contest their criticism. If I agree with their criticism, then I will acknowledge their criticism and personally thank them for teaching me something "new" about golf swing biomechanics/mechanics/kinetics. I am constantly revising my thinking regarding optimum golf swing biomechanics/mechanics and I am always willing to discover "new" insights that can improve my understanding of the full golf swing action.

Jeff Mann.

March 2019.